Hazard Mitigation &
Community Resilience Plan
Talbot County, Maryland

Plan Overview
Talbot County's 2022 Hazard Mitigation & Community Resilience Plan serves as a roadmap to evaluating hazards, identifying resources and capabilities, selecting appropriate actions, and implementing mitigation measures to eliminate or reduce future damage from those hazards.
Hazard Mitigation is sustained action taken to reduce or
eliminate the long-term risk to life and property from hazards.
Resilience is the capacity of individuals, communities,
businesses, institutions, and governments to adapt to
changing conditions and to prepare for, withstand, and rapidly
recover from disruptions to everyday life, such as hazard
events. Through the update of the Talbot County Hazard
Mitigation and Community Resilience Plan, Talbot County is
poised to advance mitigation and resilience efforts via policy,
planning, and action.
Talbot County works to advance mitigation and resilience efforts via their "Five Pillars." These pillars help guide the hazard mitigation process and establish the foundation of mitigation and resiliency planning and implementation. The Five Pillars include:
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) requires hazard mitigation plans to be updated every five years. This is an update to the previous 2017 Hazard Mitigation & Community Resilience Plan. Talbot County's Department of Emergency Services is the lead agency for this plan effort.

Public Survey & Meetings
One of the first steps in the hazard mitigation planning process is to complete a Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (HIRA). The HIRA focuses on 9 hazards identified for the 2021 Plan, which are all natural hazards. FEMA requires natural hazards be identified and assessed. Therefore, the Department of Emergency Services is seeking input on stakeholder's concerns regarding hazards. This survey is being used to collect your insight and perspective on hazards identified in the Plan. The survey consists of 8 questions and will take an average of 4 minutes or less to complete. Follow the link below to complete the survey.
Stakeholder Meetings
Current & Potential Hazards
Mitigation Action Items
Strategies to mitigate or reduce specific hazard risks are developed during the hazard mitigation plan update process and may vary from very simple to complex. Typically hazard mitigation strategies are classified into six broad categories. Below are the six (6) categories used for hazard prevention and adaptation.
Government administrative or regulatory actions or processes that influence the way land and buildings are developed and built. These actions also include public activities to reduce hazard losses. Examples include planning and zoning, building codes, capital improvement programs, open space preservation, and storm water management regulations.
Natural Resource Protection
Actions that, in addition to minimizing hazard losses also preserve or restore the functions of natural protection systems. These actions include sediment and erosion control, stream corridor restoration, watershed management, forest and vegetation management, and wetland restoration preservation.
Property Protection
Actions that involve the modification of existing critical and public facilities, buildings, structures, and public infrastructure to protect them from hazards. Examples include acquisition, elevation, relocation, structural retrofits, storm shutters, and infrastructure modification.
Emergency Services
Actions that protect people and property during and immediately after a disaster or hazard event. Services include warning systems and emergency response services.
Public Education & Awareness
Actions to inform and educate citizens, elected officials, and property owners about potential ways to mitigate for hazards that can occur in the County. Such actions include outreach programs, projects, real estate disclosure, hazard information centers, and school-age and adult education programs.
Structural Projects
Actions that involve the construction of structures to reduce the impact of a hazard event. Such structures include dams, levees, floodwalls, seawalls, retaining walls, barrier islands, and safe rooms.
Hazard mitigation action items are the answer to the "so what?" question in hazard mitigation. The purpose of hazard mitigation action items is to reduce or eliminate long-term risk to people and property from hazards and their effects. They provide local governments clear steps to achieve their mitigation goals.
As part of the 2022 Plan Update, existing action items were reviewed and new action items were developed. Action Items are developed based on conclusions drawn from the hazard mitigation plan, stakeholder feedback, public input, and various related planning documents. The action items included in Talbot County's 2017 Hazard Mitigation & Community Resilience Plan were reviewed by stakeholders to determine their status within the last 5-year planning cycle (2017-2021).
Additional Resources
Contact Us
Your input is welcomed and valued. Please consider becoming a project stakeholder. Stakeholder meetings are held online using Webex. Provide your information to the right to get involved.
Talbot County provides an abundance of resources related to natural hazards and emergency preparedness topics, such as:
Get alerted about emergencies and other important community news by signing up for the Emergency Alert Program. -
Descriptions of the community alert siren system, including what each siren indicates. -
Gain access to information on a wide variety of emergency preparedness topics. -
Important flood related information including flood safety, NFIP Community Rating System, flood insurance discounts, and more. -
In need of emergency shelter due to natural disaster? Check out these resources. -
Talbot County has updated their 2004 Green Infrastructure plan with the 2021 plan, "Cleaner, Greener Talbot." Click the link above to visit the project's website.
Know Your Flood Risk
To determine if your property is at risk, please visit Talbot County's Department of Planning and Zoning:
215 Bay Street, Suite 2
Easton, Maryland 21601
Phone : (410) 770--8030
Fax: (410) 770--8043
Click the buttons below for more information.
If individual assistance is needed, please contact:
Greg Allis, Floodplain Coordinator
Phone: (410) 770--803
Email: gallis@talbotcountymd.gov
For additional information and resources, visit Talbot County's Planning and Zoning Floodplain Management Ordinance website here.

Know your property’s flood risk. To find your community’s flood map, visit the Flood Risk Application and search using your property’s address.
What to do Before a Flood
Take steps to protect your home, family, and financial security throughout the year, and take extra precautions when flooding is predicted in your area.
The best way to protect your home and belongings from flood damage is to purchase flood insurance – don’t let your hard work be washed away.
Here are a few steps you and your family can take to be ready for flooding:
Get flood insurance.
Know your flood risk.
Take a household inventory.
Store important documents.
Additional Ways to Protect Your Home
Protecting Manufactured Homes from Floods and Other Hazards (link)
Resources for policyholders living in manufactured (mobile) home
Protecting Building Utilities from Flood Damage (link)
Information on protecting critical utilities, like water heaters and HVAC systems, from flood damage.
Reducing Flood Risk to Residential Buildings that Cannot be Elevated (link)
Mitigation options for homes that cannot be elevated.